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Support Us


Q: What will we do with the money?


A: For several years, all of our expenses for web hosting, storage, and licensing fees have been self-funded. In recent months, we began sharing a vision for a Blerkins expansion. After getting lots of positive feedback and encouragement from readers, we are now prepared to put our readers & listeners to the test, because we cannot grow beyond our current level without your financial support.


We have 3 key areas we are targeting for development:


   Blerkins | Talk


Vaudeville meets the Interview. We want to engage with interesting people from all walks of life. "Culture" is a widely encompassing term and we hope our series will reflect this. We especially want to have conversations with folks the wider media is likely to overlook. And, we hope to discuss topics from a slightly-off-beat perspective.


    Blerkins | TV


We have been collaborating on a project to produce a reality-show-style comedy travel show. This 15-minute-per-episode web series will will feature 3 series regulars who travel to out-of-the-way places and the inevitable misadventures which ensure. The series' writing draws heavily on "classic" forms of comedy, and eschews the crass and vulgar. While the series is not specifically aimed at high-schoolers, as a high-school teachers ourselves, we recognize the moral and ethical importance of creating content we would not be embarrassed for our students to see or emulate.


   Blerkins | Classroom


Because we at Blerkins are schoolteachers -- and fairly talented ones at that -- we are exploring ways in which we can extend the reach of what we already do professionally to the wider world. This will probably include video talks on course content we teach, and may include opportunities for students to undertake private tutorials with the fashionably adorned staff here at Blerkins.




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